The Hiesterhof is a farmstead in Northern Germany, first settled approximately 850 years ago. There are 9 buildings, most of them are over 200 years old. The oldest barn, made from solid oak, was erected 1586, is still in good shape and being used for storage (Hiester 94-4-16). Due to poor soils, the fields are no longer plowed, and the land, approx. 1,800 acres, has been turned to a working forest. While I lived on this farmstead for 15 years, I made these images using 4x5 and larger cameras.
The Hiesterhof is a farmstead in Northern Germany, first settled approximately 850 years ago. There are 9 buildings, most of them are over 200 years old. The oldest barn, made from solid oak, was erected 1586, is still in good shape and being used for storage (Hiester 94-4-16). Due to poor soils, the fields are no longer plowed, and the land, approx. 1,800 acres, has been turned to a working forest. While I lived on this farmstead for 15 years, I made these images using 4x5 and larger cameras.